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Someday, A Book You Will Treasure


Dearest Elena,

Today’s talk is about the book, SOMEDAY by Alison McGhee which celebrates one of the most important holidays for you and me, Mother’s Day! It celebrates our relationship, that of mother and daughter. This book is all about a baby that grows up and becomes a woman and what this is like for her mother, as she watches her. It begins with her mother counting her baby’s fingers and then kissing each one. Slowly this little baby becomes a child who holds tightly to her mom’s hands as they cross the street. The author goes on to share many of the small but wonderful details that highlight their relationship as time goes on. With each change their love only becomes greater and more meaningful.

Dearest Elena, there’s so much I want to tell you about what it’s like to be a mother. For me, it’s the greatest honor and privilege in the world. I am honored to be the one who gets to kiss YOUR fingers and toes, and be a part of your everyday. I have to admit that there is a little sadness too, knowing one day you will grow up and live without me. That is why I cherish every moment with you.

What I love about this story is the sensitive way the author illustrates this process, one that is slow and only happens over time. It is a most beautiful process. I feel so unbelievably lucky to be your mom and to be the one you look to for guidance. In our relationship, like that of all mothers and children, there is this unbreakable bond of love, a bond so strong that grows and grows.

It is true, one day you will have your own children and lessons I’ve taught you, which I learned from my mother, you will pass down to them. It is a most precious thing.

How great is it that we have Mother’s Day to honor this remarkable relationship! My life changed in the most magnificent and significant way when I became your mother. Every day I thank God for bringing me my little angel, YOU Elena Katherine, and making my world so unbelievably beautiful.

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